Learning to eliminate in a chosen area is a crucial skill for pet kittens and cats. Taking a proactive approach will ensure the development of excellent litter box habits.
Abundant research has been done to determine what cats prefer when it comes to a latrine. Most cats prefer:
There are many commercially available litter boxes, but non-traditional boxes can be used as well. For example, large sweater boxes or storage containers with cut-out entry doors may be spacious and appealing to a large cat. A box should be about 1.5 times the length of your cat’s body.
"Large sweater boxes or storage containers with cut-out entry doors may be spacious and appealing to a large cat."
Some cats eliminate in a standing position, which can cause some urine or stool to fall out of the box. Providing a backsplash or a box with high sides will keep the deposits in the box rather than on your floor. On the other hand, small kittens, senior cats, and cats with compromised mobility need sides that are low enough that they can enter and exit comfortably.
If your home is large, provide several latrines. Try to place a litter box on each floor of the house. Since cats often head for the box after waking up from a nap, provide a box on the same level as your cat’s most favored resting places. Litter boxes should not be directly beside cat beds or food dishes.
Do you have more than one cat? A good rule is to provide one box for each cat in the home, plus one extra box. If your cats get along well, then you may be able to put the boxes side by side. It is generally better to spread the boxes into different locations in case there is competition around the box. Also, some playful cats ambush their companions, driving them from the box and potentially contributing to house soiling.
Active children, visitors, and other household pets can interfere with your cat’s willingness to use a litter box. Be sure there is at least one box in a location that your cat will be able to access without being disturbed or frightened.
"You may need to try a few litter box styles, substrates, and locations to learn your cat’s preferences."
Every cat is an individual. If there are mistakes, or if your cat uses the box but rushes out without covering his stool, he may not love the box. You may need to try a few litter box styles, substrates, and locations to learn your cat’s preferences. If in doubt, offer your cat a choice, providing a pair of litter boxes that are just a little different from each other.
If you find that your cat has begun to eliminate in areas outside the litter box, talk with your veterinarian. A little detective work will help you find the ideal box and location for your cat. This should be done without delay because, over time, house soiling can become persistent and potentially more difficult to resolve.
Most cats are fastidious by nature. Cats spend a lot of time grooming themselves, and naturally prefer a tidy bathroom as well. Consider a human going into a public restroom: if someone has failed to flush, do you proceed and use the toilet? Doing our best to keep the litter clean and appealing to cats is one of the most important factors in maintaining good elimination habits.
Most kittens and cats prefer to eliminate in loose, granulated substrates and will naturally discover a nearby box filled with soft kitty litter. However, your new kitten or cat will not necessarily search through the entire house to find this litter.
Young kittens learn good litter habits quickly if they are initially confined to a room with a litter box. Set the room up to be cozy: provide toys, multiple resting spots, food, and water. Spend time visiting and playing with your kitten in the room. Remain with your kitten long enough for her to have a nap and then wake up again, as this is a time she is likely to eliminate. She will probably notice the litter box on her own.
Using confinement and supervision to train your cat should prevent your cat from developing a preference for toileting in inappropriate locations. Left on their own, your kitten or cat could deposit urine or feces in hidden areas and, since you may not immediately discover these deposits, this undesirable habit could become well established.
If you are supervising your kitten or new cat, and they start to eliminate outside the litter box, you can try to interrupt them by using a novel sound such as a brief whistle. Do not scold or frighten your cat. If your kitten stops voiding and looks up at you, you may be able to lure her to the litter box. You may not always have this chance, and it is very important that you do not bring your cat to the box if she is frightened.
Consider the mistake as a learning opportunity for you. Going forward, your kitten may need more supervision. If mistakes begin to occur in specific areas, you may need to place a litter box close to that area.
If you find a deposit of urine or feces outside the box, do not scold your cat and do not carry her to the area. Calmly and quietly clean the area and resolve to better supervise in the future. Make sure to clean the area thoroughly using an enzymatic product such as Urine Away™. Cats have a very acute sense of smell and will be more likely to use the same area in the future if any odor of urine or feces remains on the surface.
Do not punish your kitten or cat for making a mistake. Never shout at or strike your cat. Do not point or rub your cat’s nose in the puddle. Punishing your pet for a natural act can make them think they should never toilet near a person and cause them to become secretive or fearful about elimination. Punishment can permanently damage your cat’s trust in you.
If your cat repeatedly eliminates outside the litter box:
House training is best accomplished with patience and positive reinforcement. Teaching a cat to be well house-trained makes them a more enjoyable pet and a welcome guest. Many cats nearly house train themselves, but it’s important to meet cats’ needs to ensure they maintain desirable habits for a lifetime.