To communicate effectively with your dog, it is important to be aware of and understand his methods of communication.
Dogs use vocalizations (e.g., barks and growls) and body signals (e.g., muscle tension, prolonged eye contact) to communicate with people and animals. To interpret interactions, dogs rely heavily on visual cues (body language/gestures), scent cues (olfactory information), and pheromone detection (processed by the vomeronasal organ). Pheromones are unique chemical signals used to convey messages to specific species.
To communicate effectively with your dog, it is important to learn your dog’s body signals. It is also important to become conscious of your own body language when you interact with your dog, as your dog will naturally infer your intentions based on your postures. Over time, through training, your dog can learn to understand your spoken words as well.
Friendly interactions between people are interpreted differently by dogs. People maintain a steady gaze during friendly conversation, whereas dogs maintain a steady gaze or stare to initiate a challenge. When a person stares at a timid dog, the dog might look away to avoid conflict. A bold dog might become aroused and rise to the challenge. An outstretched hand to a person indicates a friendly handshake; to a dog, an outstretched hand represents an unsolicited invasion of space and could generate fear or even aggression.
To get the conversation started, try to notice your dog’s responses to your gestures. Notice details such as the orientation of your dog's body and the direction of its gaze. What is your dog's head and neck position? Are their ears neutral or folded back? Pay close attention to his tail; is it wagging quickly, slowly, or not at all? Is it held high or low? Observe whether the hair on your dog’s back is raised, indicating arousal.
Understanding your dog’s body language allows you to respond promptly and appropriately to his communication. With a timely and appropriate response, the dog is assured that his message was received. Misunderstood or unnoticed signals can lead to anxiety or frustration. Frustrated or anxious dogs may use stronger signals to communicate.
For example, a dog may use a subtle posture (looking or leaning away) to communicate that they need more space. If that signal goes unnoticed, particularly when they are afraid, they could use a stronger signal, such as a snap or bite.
Gaining an understanding of dog body language, in any context, will allow you to recognize early signs of fear, anxiety, or frustration. If you frequently notice these signs, discuss your concerns with your veterinarian, who can refer you to a behavior professional.
Specific movements, body orientation, muscle tension, gaze, and relative position/closeness are ways a dog uses body language to communicate. A dog’s body language may show one signal or a combination of signals at a given moment.
Body postures that communicate a dog’s need for space are sometimes called appeasement body signals. They are used to signal “peace” and serve to prevent physical confrontations during interactions between dogs.
If your dog displays these signals in the presence of an approaching person or animal, protect your dog from the interaction. Move your dog further away or ask the person to refrain from coming closer.
As dogs become more uncomfortable, they may use these stronger, more intense signals to make themselves appear less threatening.
Interpret any of these signs as a “stop” sign. Stop approaching the dog. If another person or animal is approaching your dog, protect your dog from that approach. Dogs showing any or all of these signs are preparing to react and need space and time.
Dogs often exhibit conflicting signals when they are uncertain how to react. For example, when an unfamiliar person approaches holding a tasty treat, a dog may use signals that indicate a readiness to interact, along with signals that indicate a need for more space. Conflicting signals may include: